Dear Readers,
I don't know if anyone follows this anymore (I realize that my posts have become few and far between), but I would like to ask a favor of you. You see, America isn't doing so well. Her people are divided, basic human rights are being violated, the family as an institution is under heavy fire, the Catholic Church is under heavy fire, and this is only the beginning.
So, I want to fight back; yes, with petitions, new articles, lawsuits, and whatever else (that is within the confines of Catholic morality) is necessary, but most importantly with prayer.
Prayer is the greatest and most powerful weapon of all. Prayer can end wars, heal the sick, change hearts, and restore salvation. Let us never, ever underestimate the power of prayer!
So, I ask you to join me. Whatever you're already doing, do more. If you're going to Sunday Mass, start going to daily Mass. Start a fast for this intention. Take cold showers and offer them up. Make a holy hour. Pray the rosary (a lot). Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray to St. Rita and Jude.
It's time for all those who wish to be warriors of the Kingdom to come forward and stand strong! Encourage one another. Spread the word. Our country (and that of our brothers and sisters in Christ, for my international readers) is under attack. Let us not be caught unawares, sleeping in our beds, but let us be vigilante.
I would like to leave you with a few songs for inspiration:
The People's Song from Les Miserables
Into the Fire from the Scarlet Pimpernel
Warrior's Heart by Sean Forrest
Chale Chalo from the film Lagaan