St. Therese of Lisieux based a bit of her theology off of the lessons to be learned from a garden. As a summary of her life says, "She loved flowers and saw herself as the "little flower of Jesus," who gave glory to God by just being her beautiful little self among all the other flowers in God's garden." We are all in God's garden and we are called live out our role as the specific "flower" we are.

This analogy is a great comfort to me when I am confronted with my own smallness and weakness. For my strengths are a gift from God and my weakness is irrelevant when I do my best to live for him. Indeed, I am reminded by St. Therese that God has a special place in his heart for His weak and fallen children. What a joy to be counted amongst those for whom there is great rejoicing in Heaven when they return to the fold! When I keep this in mind, there is no longer any fear that I will not be good, eloquent, holy, brave, smart, clever, or patient enough, because I know that God will make up for all that I lack.

These past few days have been ones of anxiety for me. I guess I just lost focus of Him. Life gets crazy very fast, sometimes. It's easy to get caught up in all of the small troubles and different obligations. This world is an ideal one to catch people up into its hustle and bustle, especially if one isn't guarded against it. I find that it is becoming increasingly important for me to find a quiet place to reflect, refocus, and recharge. This spiritual garden is, in my opinion, essential to most people, especially me. Quiet moments can truly be such a blessing.

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