"He saw in advance the long days, the long nights when He would be alone, forgotten, in thousands of tabernacles in solitary churches, the thousands of indifferent people who would pass each day before the churches without even thinking for an instant that He is there, those who would enter the churches to admire the windows, the architecture, yet not make even a little genuflection before the tabernacle. He saw the multitude of the baptized, whom He was to make His adopted children in His Blood, who would neglect even Sunday Mass, who would fail to receive Easter Communion. After delivering Himself up in the Host, as He did, what does He ask of us? An hour a week, on Sunday; one Communion each year. Could He have required less? He gives without counting the cost, asking a tiny return, and He is refused.
"He saw in advance the sacrilegious Communions, the hatred with which He was to be pursued, especially in the Eucharist, by the impious members of diabolical sects. He saw all that in advance. He foresaw everything in Gethsemane, and He accepted it all, that He might descend into a single soul who loves Him. 'For you alone I would have instituted the Sacrament of my love.'" - 'I Believe in Love' by Father Jean C. J. d'Elbee
All for love.
1 comment:
:( I feel as though I should somehow kick something out of my life. I want to go to daily Mass so badly! I'd easily cut an hour of schoolwork out...except then I wouldn't graduate on time and my mama would be upset with me. So He just smiles and says He knows I love Him and want Him. But when I go to WCC...*sigh*. "Students are not required, but strongly encouraged, to attend daily Mass..." ~excerpt from WCC freshman orientation manual.
And He'll still be there, waiting... :)
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